Check out ASD’s Lifeforce – probably the best “demo” I’ve ever seen. You can also watch the YouTube of it here, but it’s really glorious full-screen at a high frame-rate.

I love the vast array of visual styles as well as the themes of life, death and rebirth. These guys are truly humbling.

Medium vs. the Message

If we’ve talked at any length about careers, there’s a good chance I’ve mentioned this article. I found that spending a couple days thinking long and hard about this was incredibly illuminating.

My “message”? Creating experiences. Not games, but experiences. This is why I love to cook (creating the experience of dinner), have dinner parties (pick menu, music, guests), be a Dungeon Master, etc. Once I realized my message, I realized that my medium didn’t have to be programming, it could be event planning, writing (visualization), prototyping, drafting business plans – these are all means to the same end – creating a specific experience.

It just so happens that video games are the most powerful and scaleable way I know of to create an experience for the most people.

Medium vs. the Message